in residence at Aspinwall Presbyterian Church

Belle Voci Memorial Fund
Founded in Memory of Gabriel T. D’Abruzzo
The Belle Voci Memorial Fund is a Board of Directors’ restricted fund. The Memorial Fund provides an opportunity for all persons to make specially recognized contributions to Belle Voci in memory of a friend or loved one who has passed away. Donations in any amount are accepted. The Fund’s primary purpose is to provide a special funding source for one-time purchases of specific items, not typically included in Belle Voci’s regular yearly budget. Each purchase requires Board approval. The Fund was established in 2019 in memory of Gabriel T. D’Abruzzo, who was the choir’s beloved piano accompanist from 2012-2018.
Craig Cannon's reflections on
Gabriel T. D'Abruzzo
I met Gabriel T. D’Abruzzo in the winter of 1998 when he first played rehearsals for Fox Chapel Area High School’s spring musical. I was immediately drawn to his supreme skills as an accompanist and his willingness to ascertain the needs of my students. That initial encounter launched a relationship that spanned over two decades during which I had the distinct privilege of working with him as both a solo performer and an accompanist for the many choral ensembles I directed.
Gabe consistently approached work situations with a determined energy, a positive attitude, and a pleasant personality. Directors and peers liked Gabe and valued and appreciated the infectious vitality and skill he poured into his work. We launched Belle Voci in September of 2012, and by January of that same season, Gabe served as Belle Voci’s primary accompanist. The singers found in him the same spirit that everyone else had, and he remained in his primary accompanist role until his untimely death in June of 2018.
I treasured every opportunity for my singers to work and perform with Gabe. He executed rehearsals with sensitivity and an ear for accuracy, and in concert, he infused the group with his joy and fervor for music. As a soloist, Gabe dazzled audiences. As an accompanist, he possessed outstanding skills and technique, lyrical style, and expressive interpretation. He was an accomplished musician, a passionate music creator, and a gifted teacher with a superb sense of artistry that led him to the highest standards of professionalism.
Most of all, Gabriel T. D’Abruzzo was an intelligent, reliable, congenial, sensitive, and considerate human being. He will remain in our hearts and minds forever.
Joanne and Eric Beckman - "In Memory of Joanne's father, Avery Eliot Newton."
Joanne and Eric Beckman - "In Memory of Gabriel T. D'Abruzzo."
Darlene Berkovitz and Robert Zinn - "In Memory of Gabriel T. D'Abruzzo."
Amy and Terry Bilkey - "We, along with our two daughters, wish to celebrate the life and talents
of Gabriel T. D'Abruzzo."
Maria Brooks - "In Memory of Anne Vanko Liva."
Pamela Bruchwalski - "In memory of my grandmom, Anna E. Bruce, who unconditionally loved the music in me."
Pam and Dan Bruchwalski - "In Memory of Gabriel T. D'Abruzzo."
Jon and Debbie Burnett - "In Memory of Gabriel T. D'Abruzzo."
Lawrence and Regina Callahan - "In Memory of Gabriel T. D'Abruzzo."
Craig Cannon - "In Loving Memory of Gabriel T. D'Abruzzo, my virtuoso accompanist, loyal colleague,
and dedicated friend. I love you like a son!"
Craig and Nancy Cannon - "In Loving Memory of Susan Bauder, Nancy's grandmother."
Craig and Nancy Cannon - "In Loving Memory of Allen L. Cannon, Craig's father, who LOVED to sing!"
Pamela and Louis D'Abruzzo - "In Loving Memory of our son, Gabriel T. D'Abruzzo."
Nan and Bill Donovan - "In Memory of Wilma Cannon."
Kenda and Dave Hammer - "Joyfully remembering Glenn and Phyllis Spangler for beautiful music-making lives!"
Kenda and Dave Hammer - "In loving memory of Hiroshi Hishiki, contributor to community -
from LA's Little Tokyo to Heart Mountain Internment Camp and back again.
Hiro forgave and taught us this genuine grace and generosity of spirit."
Nancy and Ronald Jalbert - "In Memory of Gabriel T. D'Abruzzo."
Edward Kocher and Kamie Schoonhoven - "In Memory of Gabriel T. D'Abruzzo."
Marshal and Patti Linder - “In memory of Patti’s mom, Barb Landon, for whom the music never stopped.”
Marshal and Patti Linder - “In memory of the greatest Piano Man, Gabe D’Abruzzo.”
Angela and Patrick McKiernan - "In Memory of Gabriel T. D'Abruzzo."
Robert Otte and Jane Charlton - "In Memory of Gabriel T. D'Abruzzo."
John and Wilberta Pickett - "In Memory of Gabriel T. D'Abruzzo."
Platt Family - "Gabe touched our family with his musical talents and generosity with his time and commitment to the
Fox Chapel High School music department. We miss him. Love, Carlie, Jeremy, Eric, and Suzanne"
Mary F. Probst - "In Memory of Gabriel T. D'Abruzzo."
Dawn Griffith Salerno - "In Memory of my beloved parents, Edward and Patricia Griffith.
I hear your voices in my ear, and your songs in my heart."
Gene Warshafsky and Diane Sober - "We honor Gabe with fond memory."
Last Update: 4-21-21